Vote No on the Marting Building, aka the City Center!
All over
The current 2008 property tax in
On Thursday, October 16, 2008, in Columbus, Ohio, in a face-off between Harold Daub, representing the reform-minded citizens of Portsmouth, and Austin Keyser, representing the Progress Portsmouth Campaign Action Committee (PPCAC), the Ohio Elections Commission voted unanimously in a preliminary hearing that Daub had just cause, which is to say he was justified in charging that the Progress Portsmouth is not telling the truth in ads that claim that the $12 million dollar cost of the City Center and Justice Center (the “Two Centers I will call them) will not require an increase in property taxes.
Those claims by Progress Portsmouth, made in mailings and in numerous radio ads, are gross distortions, if not outright lies. In a scheme that could only have been concocted by a couple of cleverly crooked Portsmouth lawyers, the Portsmouth City Council has increased city property taxes for next year, 2009, from the current .7 mills to 3.8 mills, a 440% boost. That increase is to pay for a fire truck and other improvements in the Portsmouth Fire Dept. While a worthwhile acquisition, the fire truck, in my opinion, is a stalking horse, or maybe I should say a Trojan horse, because what the crooked lawyers have got the city council to do is to promise to extend that one-time, one-year, 3.8 mills Fire Dept. property tax for 30 years to pay for the Two Centers project, provided the voters approve that project on the Nov. 4 ballot.
In addition to finding probable cause at the Oct. 16 preliminary hearing, the Elections Commission called for an expedited full Commission hearing of the case, so that it may issue a formal public decision before the Nov. 4 election. The reason for the full Commission hearing is that the preliminary hearing uncovered several puzzling claims and inconsistencies in a formal statement Portsmouth City Auditor Trent Williams had issued on October 13. What follows is the relevant paragraph from the Auditor’s memo:
Earlier this year, the City incurred debt to pay for much needed fire safety equipment and included retirement of this debt in its 2009 tax budget with the allocation of approximately 3.1 mills with the Bond Retirement Debt Service fund. This existing millage will be collected from property taxes regardless of whether or not there is a Justice Center/City Center project. However, this millage will be reallocated, continued and used to retire bonded debt that will be issued to fund the cost of the
It is not clear what legal authority the city government would have to continue the 3.8 millage and to construct an “alternate facility” if the Twin Centers are turned down by the voters. Nor is it clear by what authority the Auditor says, in the same Oct. 13 memo, “If the
The tone and point of view of Auditor Williams in his Oct. 13 memo makes him sound like the chief executive officer of the city, like the mayor, or even like the mayor on steroids. Knowing Auditor Williams to the limited extent I do, and being familiar with his prose style, I suspect he did not write this memo, or if he did that it was dictated to him by someone else. Who might that someone else be? It was not the mayor. No, I believe it was written by a lawyer, but not by the only lawyer in the city government, namely City Solicitor Jones. The lawyer who wrote or dictated the memo was more likely a “Philadelphia lawyer,” that is a lawyer more clever by half than anyone currently in city government.
Why the memo was written, if not by whom, is clear. As the opening sentence says, “Over the past several weeks I have had several questions from citizens concerning the financing plan of the proposed Justice Center/City Center and its tax consequences.” But the memo was written not just for clarification purposes; it was written to respond to mounting criticism of the murky financing of the Two Centers project. So the memo had a political objective, which was to provide the Progress Portsmouth Political Action Committee with a legal argument when its representative, Austin Keyser, appeared before the Ohio Elections Commission preliminary hearing on October 16. At least several times at the Elections Commission preliminary meeting, Keyser in defending Progress Portsmouth’s claim that no tax increase was involved, had referred to the Auditor’s Oct. 13 memo. In an attempt to pass the buck, he said it was not Progress Portsmouth but the Auditor who first asserted that the $12 million dollars that was going to be paid for the Two Centers project did not require an increase in taxes.
But those Progress Portsmouth ads were written, broadcast, mailed, and published weeks before the Auditor released the Oct. 13 “clarification” memo. How could a document written after the Progress Portsmouth ads be the justification or legal basis for those ads? Whether the Auditor realizes it or not, it appears he is being thrown to the wolves. Now that the Elections Commission has found probable cause, Williams may be left holding the bag. If the "clarification" the Auditor signed his name to in the Oct. 13 memo is contradictory, murky, or deliberately misleading, it is he who will be held responsible by the people and possibly by the courts. Auditor Williams will have some explaining to do after he receives a subpoena to appear before the Elections Commission.
Back in June of 2005, as I was driving past the offices of Johnson and Oliver, I noticed then Senator Mike DeWine standing in the gutter in front of a DeWine for Congress sign. The DeWine running for Congress was his son, Patrick, who was embroiled in scandal and controversy at the time, having left his children and pregnant wife for his girlfriend, a Republican lobbyist. Thanks to his father’s connections, Patrick DeWine had more campaign funds at his disposal than his three Republican rivals combined, but he finished a distant fourth in the race for the nomination in the Second Congressional District. Republicans, to their credit, rejected a gutter candidate.
But some Republicans are still in the gutter. The desperate handlers of John McCain, as he slips farther behind in the polls, are waging a nasty, dishonorable, gutter campaign, playing the race card, as George Bush, Sr. did against Dukakis with the Willie Horton ad, and as George W. Bush did against John McCain in North Carolina in 2000, spreading the rumor McCain was the father of an illegitimate black baby. The rumors that are being spread now are that Obama is a Muslim and a pal of terrorists. In
Here in
Voice of Ignorance and Prejudice
Gutter politics are being conducted at the county level as well. A hotheaded ignoramus who is on the payroll of the
Practicing gutter politics, the Progress for Portsmouth PAC is using dishonest tactics in urging yes votes for the City Center and Justice Center. In a recent mailing, they claimed that a Vote for the measure “will NOT increase your taxes.” The “NOT” is capitalized and underlined. WHY ARE THEY USING CAPITALS AND UNDERLINING? Because they have something to hide. They are increasing our property taxes, but they are doing it in an underhanded way. On
In the face of a dire national and international financial crisis, and in the throes of the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, they are trying to stick the property owners of Portsmouth with a $12 million dollar tax increase to renovate the otherwise unmarketable Marting building and the Adelphia properties. The Tanner Stone pornographic architectural drawings of these “phantom” buildings are in windows in downtown
391% Interest Rates, 440% Tax Increases
Progress Portsmouth postcard with deceptive claim vote for Justice and City Center "will NOT" increase taxes.
Forbes Magazine recently decided
Just as Republicans in the Second Congressional District did not fall for gutter politics in 2005 and voted no on Patrick DeWine, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents should reject the gutter politics and vote no on the 440% City Center/Justice Center scam on Nov. 4. Once we get a few more honest people on the city council and get a mayor who is not a puppet of the over-privileged of
Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who were trying to waste millions of dollars of public money converting a decrepit 125-year old department store into a
“Hey," he said, “everyone loves a fire truck. Let’s increase property taxes from .7 to 3.1 mills, or 440%, to buy a fire truck.”
“A fire truck?” the puzzled second pig said.
“Sure. It will be like a stalking horse. Once we have that one-year 440% property tax increase on the books, we’ll continue it for another 30 years to pay for the renovation of the department store.”
“Brilliant," the second pig said. “We can tell the public there won’t be any new taxes because we’re just continuing the old Fire Truck Tax.”
“Right," the first pig said. “We’ll tell them ‘Your vote for the Justice and
“But do you think they’ll fall for that?” the third pig asked, expressing his doubts.
“Sure they will," the first pig said. “People aren’t like us pigs. They’re so stupid they don’t even know how to set an alarm clock.”
“You know there’s still something that confuses me," the third pig said.
“What’s that?” the first pig said.
“What’s a stocking horse?” the third pig asked.
“It’s not a stocking horse, you dope," the first pig said. “It’s a stalking horse. S-T-A-L-K-I-N-G.”
“What’s a stalking horse?” the third pig asked, still confused.
“A stalking horse is a horse you hide behind when you’re hunting," the first pig said.
“So you can sneak up on them?” the third pig asked.
“Yes," the first pig said. “So you can sneak up on them and tax them to death.”
Howard Baughman entering Marting building.
(This is a reposting of a blog from Jan. 13, 2005.)
The Marting building is like a Potemkin Village. Potemkin was a Russian Field Marshall who purportedly erected fake facades of villages along the travel route of Empress Catherine II during her tour of the Crimea. Potemkin wanted to impress her by pulling the wool over her eyes. Marting’s is Portsmouth’s Potemkin Village. The eastern and northern sides of the building are covered with a false brick façade. That façade hides the true condition of the Marting building (or the Marting buildings, because there actually three old buildings behind the facade.).
Mayor Kalb was quoted in the Portsmouth Daily Times (4/22/06) on why he changed his mind about the Marting building, which he said he was against, even though he voted for it, and then he changed his mind again and was for it. “I thought we were talking about a wood-framed building," he said. "We’re not. We’re talking about a concrete structure.” “Don’t take any wooden nickels,” is a popular expression, only for Kalb it was “Don’t take any wooden buildings.” If a building has a brick and concrete structure, it is much safer than a wooden one.
But wait a minute. If concrete is so good, how come the Municipal building is falling down? It’s not that old, compared to the Marting building. The Municipal building was built in 1934. The Marting building was built in 1883. That makes the Marting building 51 years older than the Municipal building. The concrete in the Marting building is 51 years older than the concrete in the Municipal building. Concrete technology had come a long way in the half century between 1883 and 1934. In 1883 concrete was primitive compared to 1934 concrete. In fact, “concrete” may be a misnomer for the structure of the Marting building. Structural engineers had learned how to strengthen poured concrete, to reinforce it and make it more resilient. But 1883 predates poured concrete; the foundation of the Marting building is brick and mortar, not poured concrete.
Let me see if I’ve got this straight. Mayor Kalb wants the city to move out of the Municipal Building because it is falling apart and is unsafe even though its not wooden.
Howard Baughman, now president of the Portsmouth City Council, testified that the reason the council rushed through the purchase of the Marting building, in 2002, was not because they were trying to pull a fast one on the public but because it was dangerous for city employees to work a day longer in the Municipal building. To quote his testimony in court, “it is important to get out of the building we’re now in because it’s unsafe and it’s not healthy for the workers that work there. And I believe it was important for that reason to do it as quickly as possible.”
As Mayor Kalb told Times reporter Jeff Barron, the reason he was initially opposed to purchasing the Marting building was because he thought its frame was wood. If the mayor sounds like he doesn’t know what he is talking about when he talks about structural engineering, remember his only previous experience was as a grocery clerk at Kroger’s. We shouldn’t expect him to know about the fine points of wooden and concrete structures, not even the fundamentals.
But buildings are not only about what materials they are made of but also about whether they contain asbestos, mold, and other harmful pollutants. Asbestos was one of the original concerns about the Marting building. Mold was also. But then the public was told there was no problem with asbestos or mold.
The photo above shows what’s behind the walls in the interior of Marting’s. The foundation of the building is brick and mortar, rather than poured concrete. This is what the “foundation” of the 125-year-old building looks like. This is what is behind the Potemkin facade of the Marting building, one of the hidden nooks and crannies where danger may lurk. The moldy, unhealthy air around the brick and mortar foundation smells like it is 125 years old. An Egyptologist, who explores inside pyramids, not a structural engineer, is what Marting’s needs. This is the kind of foundation city officials want to build a City Center on at a cost of millions of taxpayer dollars. The City Center plans show how ignorant its promoters are of the past and how little regard they have for the future and for the health and safety of the public and of city workers. For them, the Marting building must be the site of new city offices at all costs. The public must be persuaded there is nothing wrong with the building that millions of dollars in renovation costs won’t cure.
Phantom Gallery, Con Artists
The recklessness of the promoters of the City Center were evident in their plans to hold a “Phantom Artists" exhibit in the Marting building the first weekend in October, which was a month before the election that will decide the fate of the building. Somebody tipped off the State Fire Marshall, who put the kibosh on the building being used for anything. “We certainly would not want to place anyone's safety in jeopardy, nor would we want the city to have to pay for expensive and time-consuming repairs," responded the director of the Portsmouth Area Arts Council. Encouraging local artists is a good thing but using them as political pawns, as the promoters of the City Center are doing, is not. The Phantom Artists exhibit is being put off indefinitely. That’s what the voters should do on Nov. 4: Vote No in the City Center and put off doing anything with the Marting building until the current con artists in city government are either recalled or voted out of office and replaced with honest public servants.
The Marting building is like a Potemkin Village. Potemkin was a Russian Field Marshall who purportedly erected fake facades of villages along the travel route of Empress Catherine II during her tour of the Crimea. Potemkin wanted to impress her by pulling the wool over her eyes. Marting’s is Portsmouth’s Potemkin Village. The eastern and northern sides of the building are covered with a false brick façade. Just as that façade hides the true condition of the Marting building (o the Marting buildings, because there actually three)
Mayor Kalb was quoted in the Portsmouth Daily Times (4/22/06) on why he changed his mind about the Marting building., which he said he was against, even though he voted for it, and then he was for it. “I thought we were talking about a wood-framed building. We’re not. We’re talking about a concrete structure.” He was first following the expression “Don’t take any wooden nickels," only for him it was “Don’t take any wooden buildings.” If a building has a brick and concrete structure, it is much safer than a wooden one. But wait a minute. If concrete is so good, how come the Municipal building is falling down? It’s not that old, compared to the Marting building. The Municipal building was built in 1934. The Marting building was built in 1883. That makes the Marting building 51 years older than the Municipal building. The concrete in the Marting building is 51 years older than the concrete in the Municipal building. Concrete technology had come a long way in the half century between 1883 and 1934. In 1883 concrete was primitive compared to 1934 concrete. In fact, “concrete” may be a misnomer for the structure of the Marting building. Structural engineers had learned how to strengthen poured concrete, to reinforce it and make it more resilient. But 1883 predates poured concrete; the foundation of the Marting building is brick and mortar, not poured concrete.
Let me see if I’ve got this straight. Mayor Kalb wants the city to move out of the Municipal Building because it is falling apart and is unsafe even though its not wooden.
Howard Baughman, now president of the Portsmouth City Council, testified that the reason the council rushed through the purchase of the Marting building, in 2002, was not because they were trying to pull a fast one on the public but because it was dangerous for city employees to work a day longer in the Municipal building. To quote his testimony in court, “it is important to get out of the building we’re now in because it’s unsafe and it’s not healthy for the workers that work there. And I believe it was important for that reason to do it as quickly as possible.”
As Mayor Kalb told Times reporter Jeff Barron, as quoted above, the reason he was initially opposed to purchasing the Marting building was because he thought its frame was wood. If the mayor sounds lhe doesn’t know what he is talking about he talks about structural engineering, remember his only previous experience was as a grocery clerk at Kroger’s . He wouldn’t know not only about the fine points of wooden and concrete structures but even the fundamentals.
But buildings are not only about what materials they are made of but also about whether they contain asbestos , mold, and other harmful pollutants. Asbestos was one of the original concerns about the Marting building. Mold was also. But then the public was told there was no problem with asbestos or mold.
The photo below shows what’s behind the walls in the interior of Marting’s. The foundation of the building is brick and mortar, rather than poured concrete. This is what the “foundation” of the 125-year-old building looks like. This is what is behind the Potemkin facade of the Marting building., one of the hidden nooks and crannies were danger may lurk. The moldy, unhealthy air around the brick and mortar foundation smells like it is 125 years old. An Egyptologist, who explores inside pyramids, not a structural engineer, is what Marting’s needs. This is the kind of foundation city officials want to build a City Center on at a cost of millions of taxpayer dollars. The City Center plans show how ignorant its promoters are of the past and how little regard they have for the future and for the health and safety of the public and of city workers. For them, the Marting building must be the site of new city offices at all costs. The public must be persuaded there is nothing wrong with the building that millions of dollars in renovation costs won’t cure.
Phantom Gallery, Con Artists
The recklessness of the promoters of the City Center were evident in their plans to hold a “Phantom Artists “ exhibit in the Marting building the first weekend in October, which is a month before the election that will decide the fate of the building. Somebody tipped off the State Fire Marshall, who put the kibosh on the building being used for anything. “We certainly would not want to place anyone's safety in jeopardy, nor would we want the city to have to pay for expensive and time-consuming repairs," responded the director of the Portsmouth Area Arts Council. Encouraging local artists is a good thing but using them as political pawns, as the promoters of the City Center are doing, is not. The Phantom Artists exhibit is being put off indefinitely. That’s what the voters should do on Nov. 4, Vote No in the City Center and put off doing anything with the Marting building until the current con artists in city government are either recalled or voted out of office and replaced with honest public servants.