Sunday, December 05, 2010

David Malone: The Next Mayor of Portsmouth?

As the hours dwindle down to election day, next Tuesday, December 7th, the river of lies coming from the Recall Mayor Murray campaign  threatens to overflow the floodwall of truth. Funded by their multi-millionaire silent backers, the Recallers have all the money in the world to  buy newspaper space and radio time to repeat the lies and insinuations Frank Lewis of the Portsmouth Daily Times has been making for the last year. And the PDT now  republishes the headlines about Jane Murray for the last year, but it doesn’t republish the headlines about the Recall front man Tom Bihl, the colic alcoholic who totaled two parked vehicles but was not given a breathalyzer test and later, when he was Portsmouth City Auditor, was indicted for using public money to repair his automobile.  And not a word about Hell on Wheels Bihl  from Lewis, the PDTs paid prevaricator. Nor is there a word from Lewis or the PDT about the scandalous sexual shenanigans of David Malone, the minister David Malone, the Second Ward councilman David Malone, and president of Portsmouth City Council David Malone, next in line to become Mayor David Malone if Murray is recalled. Yes, David Malone would become the next mayor  even though he has been twice soundly rejected by Portsmouth voters in mayoral primaries. Is Mayor Malone one of the prices we have to pay for being a Home Rule city?

   This so-called man of god stood on the steps of the Municipal Building in June of 2005, in the photo above, denouncing the nameless forces of evil that were hovering over Portsmouth. He didn’t name them, of course, because he is the adulterous tool of the crooks who control Portsmouth and in particular of real-estate predator Neal Hatcher. So why would he name them? I captured on tape Malone’s performance on the steps of the Municipal Building, as well as the presence of his wife, the breadwinner of the family, whom Malone publicly disgraces with his philandering. And there she was, back in 2005, parading in front of the Municipal Building, talking in tongues:

What did it mean? I don't know. But could it be translated as, If that son-of-a-bitch cheats on me with one more white girl I'm going to smack him in the face. That in fact is just what Malone's wife did do, smack him (and his girlfriend) in the face in public, according to a report filed at the sheriff's office  last year, on April 29, 2009. That sheriff's  report was uncovered by Austin Leedom, whose dogged investigative reporting puts Frank Lewis to shame. Here is a photocopy of part of the sheriff office’s report:

   This hypocritical preacher of the gospel was not only betraying the people of Portsmouth on the city council, he was also carrying on an affair with a female employee of the Portsmouth Municipal Housing Authority, the same public agency where his wife worked. Is this the same girlfriend whom Malone's wife reportedly slapped last year? Without a score card, who can keep them straight? It helps underemployed males who have trouble finding real jobs to have   wives with jobs in the public sector. There is an adage “Don’t get involved romantically with people you work with.” It needs to be amended for  Malone: “Don’t get involved romantically with people your wife works with in the public sector, not unless you want to jeopardize your main source of income and your insurance coverage.” Malone stood on the steps of the Municipal Building and denounced the nameless evil-doers of Portsmouth at the same time that as councilman he was not only violating his marriage vows by cheating on his wife, he was also violating his oath of office by serving the interests of the nameless evil doers.

   Malone’s last-minute letter-to-the-editor that appeared in the PDT on November 3rd, 2007, was another lie because Malone did not write it, in my opinion,  any more than Timothy Loper wrote the letters-to-the-editor that appeared in the PDT when he was on city council. Loper wrote a letter, a lofty pronouncement on the evils of drinking and driving, something he could speak with authority on given his record for drunk driving. Don’t be surprised if the PDT sooner or later publishes a lofty pronouncement from Malone denouncing adultery and repenting his practice of it. The way people write is almost as unique as fingerprints. Malone, like Loper, has an individual style of writing, if “style” is interpreted very loosely, which is how much of Malone's behavior should be interpreted, very loosely.  I have read Malone’s writing. Malone is literate, but he writes in tongues, in a manner of speaking. Malone is a tool of those who control the city, and he will vote as they wish. He will also write as they dictate, literally. I know what Malone writes like. Just as most people can tell one voice from another, someone who has taught composition for forty years, fifteen of them in Portsmouth, can tell when someone tries to pass off as their own letters that were  dictated or drafted by someone else. And the Portsmouth Daily Times will publish them a few days before any election, giving them, and the crooks they front for, the last word.

The Predator and the Preacher

    Malone is especially useful to Hatcher and Hatcher to Malone. Malone signs were visible on Hatcher’s empty lots throughout the city when Malone last ran for city council. And Malone alone, of all the candidates, had the privilege of having his campaign signs on Hatcher’s mansion-office on Gay Street (shown above). I recall the city council meeting at which Hatcher showed up with some smoke-and-mirror architectural designs for the renovation of the leaky black-mold Adelphia building into a police station. Malone’s wife was there to help Hatcher display the designs, presumably on a volunteer basis, for certainly an employee of the Portsmouth Municipal Housing Authority, which she worked for then, would not have been assigned to help Hatcher promote the Adelphia building scam. Would she?

   “How dare he even attempt to question the integrity and legitimacy of my livelihood!” Malone wrote indignantly about Lee Scott’s disparaging of Malone’s professional qualifications to be a minister and his limitations as a breadwinner. If you believe Malone wrote that sentence, “How dare he even attempt to question the integrity and legitimacy of my livelihood!” you probably believe that Timothy Loper wrote his letters-to-the-editor. The only person I can think of who would sound right uttering that sentence would be the late melodramatic actress Bette Davis. Look at it once more: “How dare he even attempt to question the integrity and legitimacy of my livelihood!” Oh, the moral outrage and fulmination, and this from the hypocritical adulterous councilman who carried on with a woman who not only worked with his wife at the PMHA but was also a member of his congregation. The truth is Malone’s wife is the breadwinner: Malone is the sinner. If she speaks in tongues, he speaks with a forked tongue. Given the choice, I would much rather vote for Malone's wife than Malone. She is a  hardworking employee, a devoted mother, and a faithful if somewhat exasperated wife, while Malone himself is, well, Malone.

    Malone wrote that “[Lee] Scott’s comment on the idea I would be in favor of an income-tax increase really is not an issue.” It is not an issue that a member of city council is in favor of raising income taxes and said so at a public forum that was reported on in the Daily Times? That is not an issue? Whoever wrote Malone’s letter tried to cover up for Malone by saying it was not relevant. Malone’s statement to the League of Women Voters forum was one of those statements that Malone sometimes makes when he has to speak in public without a prepared script and then tries to deny afterwards.

The Other Party

    By far the biggest lie in the letter somebody wrote for Malone is in regard to the Marting Scam. After saying he had not been in favor of the purchase of the Marting building, Malone, or his ghost writer wrote: “But the other party involved in the deal came back to the city and said, ‘OK, let us make it right. We will give you another $500,000 for the pain and suffering caused you.’ Believe me, any successful corporation, intelligent businessman or the common citizen would accept that offer.” Doesn’t Malone, or whoever drafted his letter understand there are minutes of the council meetings and that no one representing “the other party involved,” to use the euphemism, ever came back and said anything about making up for “the pain and suffering we have caused you”? What the so-called “other party,” that is Clayton Johnson, actually did was stick it to the city and the taxpayers a second time and got a full pardon for any crimes the Marting Foundation may have committed the first time around. The “other party,” that is Clayton Johnson, is not giving anybody anything. That money was stolen from the taxpayers, and then when the sale was invalidated by the courts, the 
other party set up a number of conditions by which the city could get some of the money back. 

    Why didn’t “the other party” simply give back all the money he had stolen? Attorney Stan Bender, representing “the other party,” came before the council and said one of the reasons the Marting Foundation would not give the money back was because the city government could not be trusted with it. And with councilmen as clueless and careless as David Malone, who can say Bender was not right? Not having done his homework or attended the rump meeting that took place prior to regular meetings, Malone sometimes came to some council meetings unsure how he was supposed to vote. He waited to see how Marty Mohr or Howard Baughman voted. And if Johnson and Hatcher and their front man Bihl have their way, Malone is the man who will be mayor of Portsmouth for the next three years. They may   find a way to get rid of him before three years is up, because he is likely to prove too much of an embarrassment and impediment to their plans, one of which will possibly  be, by hook or by crook,  to finally complete the Marting Scam and turn that building into public offices. If Malone is going to continue to be slapped in the face in public because of his philandering, he is not going to be in a position to persuade anybody that renovating the rotting Marting building is the sensible thing to do. But Malone is going to try as slavishly as Kalb did as mayor to connive to convert the Marting building into public offices. Malone might even end up with a big office in the Marting building, as Kalb once hoped to do. Malone may make it into the office of the mayor by the back door, just as Mike Mearan once got onto the city council by the back door.

    Kalb, Mearan, Malone: only in a Home Rule city like Portsmouth could such incompetent, corrupt failures through means of the back door become the front men for the unscrupulous multi-millionaires who are getting athletic complexes named after themselves at the same time that they continue to try to fix every election and eliminate any competition in the lucrative games they play.

Vote No on Malone: Vote No on the Marting Building
